Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For Mun - New Beginnings

So far away
from all I left behind
my trinkets, my pages
my gym clothes my life
Cross the oceans
to be with you
new beginnings,
that have coloured me new

Brand new sheets
for cuddled up nights
no more screaming
no honking all night
Early morning cooking
hurried breakfast, the baking
potlucks and walking
a new beginning unfolding

Early morning calls
missing mom and dad
dreaming of a future
that I may have had
Failing to understand
and getting so lost
when everything's new
you're the one I rely on

Colour myself from head
and toe in-between streets
find something inside of me
something new -
but someone old of me
Canvas and vanish
will walk through the old
new beginnings, old stories torn.
