Friday, March 5, 2010


Someone to sing to when the lights are out
Someone who'll hold me close when it's cold all around
Someone who'll say yes to breakfast far away
To drive me into town 'cause I crave banana pancakes

Someone who'll be the music to my lyrics
Who learns the songs I like to sing without hinting
Someone to share an umbrella with on a rainy day
I'll make hot chocolate, vanilla coffee - I'll even bake

Someone who'll ask me what I want to do
He can buy movie tickets and share popcorn too
Someone I can read to all night and parts of the day
He'll laugh when I'm ill but get the medicines anyway

Someone who I can fight with when I'm bored
Someone who'll wipe my tears even if I could
Someone I can call when I'm so happy I'll explode
Just someone to use up all this love that I now throw


P.S - I also need someone who'll help me make my blog look a little better. But I thought of that after this was already written :)

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