Monday, March 29, 2010

Burnt bridges

I see you, while I think of you
And whatever I felt before
And it's all coming back to me
Like waves that crashed the shore

Slow tears come to my eyes
This is all too good to be true
Because I know you never be mine
And I'll be nothing, but nothing to you

So should I even so try
To build the bridges that have burnt?
Is there a chance in the hell I live in  
A hope for lessons to be unlearnt 

And while I sit here in the dark
Whispering nothings to the wind
I see you out there, the remorse
Begging to be loved even more

But no matter what you want to say
You won't see me half way now
Because the bridges have being burnt
And there's no way to return

- A. Tulsiani

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