Saturday, January 30, 2010

Love again

It's picture perfect
It's all she'll ever want
The cold wind whips her face
She's wrapped up in your warmth

Skyscrapers pass by
Lit up trees-like clustered fireflies
Clean pavements, fancy cars, the sea
Her heart faster than the night breeze

She stirs against you
Rests her head on your chest
She's not done with her kisses yet
But her lips are begging for some rest

Rubs her face on your sweater
And mumbles something in whispers
You lower your face toward her
Anything to hear her better

You smile, you see she's sleepy
Hug her closer and kiss her hair
You tell her that you love her so
And then gently tuck her into bed


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Water's edge

I'm standing at the water's edge
Looking down at my reflection
I see the blurred lines fade away
What made me stay still this way?

I'm moving now, it moves with me
Take a step forward, it invites me
Should I stay? Should I leave?
Should I just soak in and dream?

You frown a little and you wait
You traveled enough - you hesitate
Stretch out your hand? Worry more?
Am I the one you came running for?

My toes run over you bit by bit
If I jump now, that's the end of it
There is no turning back, no stopping this
These scars will forever soak my skin

But I've waited for this a lifetime
And I've waiting in pain for years
I've waited at this water's edge
So why am I so afraid to play my turn?

-A. Tulsiani

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm still waiting...

I'm still waiting for the sun to rise
And warm this winter night
I'm still waiting for the sun to rise
Wish I'm not living a lie

Wish that this night with it's dreams
Is not too good for the world to be
What's real what's fake, what's a dream
Make my life what I need it to be

I'm still waiting for the sun to rise
Wish it'll warm my bones
You'll come and fill up my soul
I'm still waiting to melt the cold

Wish that this night with it's dreams
Is not too good for the world to be
What's real what's fake, what's a dream
Make my life what I need it to be

I'm still waiting for the sun to rise
For my days to start with you
I've waited winter nights for this
Let the morning make it true

-A. Tulsiani

Monday, January 18, 2010

The forest

The forest is all blotted, black and white
the darkness takes over, just a white outline
it slowly recedes to a point
but the pool still floods the town tonight
the rain that he tried so hard to deter
pitters and patters and bleeds away
and ink drop by drop slowly it threatens
everything he worked at so hard today
an eye patch would signify the forest she wears
she runs through herself and melts through her head
sitting underneath the now leafless tree
her sleepy eyes scan the forest for the path she's seen
and he may tumble down on his way up
she won't chase him or she'll hurt him first
no reason no rhyme no tale to tell no crime
she's stuck in the forest all blotted
black and white and black and white...

-A. Tulsiani

Friday, January 1, 2010

For Dee

Flashback to when we were 5
Both skinny, dirty kneed and naive
We hated each other on even days
Made up faster than a Uno game

You stole my shoes I pulled your hair
We made groups and didn't fight fair
You got soooo mad at the silliest things
"Thats what you said last year about my skin"

Competition was thick, about everything
My handwriting, your hair and birthday gifts
I drew your diagrams and wrote you lyrics
You let me copy in hindi marathi tutions

College was a blast, we grew up
But the mad group drove us nuts
Night train, choco sticks and gravity sucks
When it comes to cuckoo we have all the luck

Then came love rushing in like winter
Steamy coffee, drives and kisses that lingered
I can't remember where we even were
The assholes dominated our whole world

Then I acted like an wounded pride bitch
I let you all go in a simple flick
Thought about you every day I swear
And you beat me to pulp in every nightmare

I'm so glad you pushed best friend to call
In a heartbeat we were where we left off
You came back when I needed you the most
Counting blessings, shimmies and 123 door ghosts

Our conversations have changed since puberty
Now it's spiritual, dreams and more honesty
And you can tell me when I'm being a bitch
If only with food you would experiment

Now we're stuck in this strange boat
Don't know where we're going, no captain, no oar
We've strengthened faith and sold our trust
Careers? Love? Friends? It's all a muck

But we'll catch the wind and it'll be fine
We'll be successful and love will arrive
And you'll have to leave your kids with me
Mommy will just make them a Bollywood queen

When I look back and reminisce
What I find strange is just this
We were best friends with everyone else
But in the end we are all that's left...

A. Tulsiani


Her eyes were open all along
She sees the darkness enfold her now
Can feel the mist thicken and roll
As her fingers grab nothing to hold

Cold sweat creeps, breaks her sleep
It has never been easy to breathe
While panic fills her wounded breast
She lays back down to undress

Moments pass and she shivers
Nothing can make her even remember
There is no one she left behind
No reason to now weep and cry

Get done with it and you can leave
Quietly, don't disturb her peace
Not like she cares what happens next
She'll sleep again, you were never there

- A. Tulsiani