Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I wrote this one in on 3/27/2008. Found it in my inbox. It's about my break up, when I ran away to get away from it all - and had alot of fun though :) What's amazing is these things "we said" were actually said. So For H...

With subtle hints I push you out of my life
Once my best friend, once my only vice
Now I pull my carpet, from under your feet
Don't stand on what you have no right to be

If you want the world, you can have yours
Why claim mine? I want my bit of peace
I try to fight, I succeed, I scream
But at the end of the day, you run back to me

I can't just tell you to go, with my emotions you play
When you have me you don't know what to do or say
If you love her so, be content - let me go
Throw me out of your life like you did before

I run away from you, miles away
You're not with me, but I still do as you say
Your leash on me seems like a new life
Keeps tugging on the strings of my heart and mind

You say that it'll never end, you'll follow me
Best friends, soul mates, a part of you always loving me
You kiss me then tell me it meant nothing to you
Who are you fooling? Both me and you?

You want my friendship, I want your love
I can't go back to things when they have changed so much
I feel cut out from your life, it seems strange to me
You're holding someone else, where I used to be

I tell you this, but you don't understand
I'm miserable with you, without that magic we had
You're miserable without me, can't imagine life
It's a battle I lose no matter how hard I fight


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